Bass Fishing Around the Mayfly Hatch

For the first time in my career, I came across a mayfly hatch during a tournament and it was amazing! I have been fishing for over a decade and this was the first time I’ve ever experienced the “mayfly hatch”. The mayfly hatch is essentially a time in which mayfly’s hatch and have 24 hours to live. In that time frame their goal is to reproduce as fast as possible.

This usually happens close to the water and generally on tree limbs overhanging the lake. If you run across a mayfly hatch you can have some great days on the water. Its a great way to catch bass on top water!

I had one of those days on High Rock Lake recently that I won’t soon forget. During a Major League Fishing BFL tournament, I stumbled across this mayfly hatch and had a solid tournament finish. Check out the video and see just how cool this mayfly hatch is to fish around.